Where to Go for Superior Postpartum Depression Treatment in Los Angeles
Everybody knows that with pregnancy comes additional hormones. And where there are extra hormones, mood changes and strong emotions typically aren’t far behind. The same goes for after pregnancy. Yet again, your body goes through another enormous hormonal shift. For approximately eight out of ten new moms, this hormonal shift results in what’s known as “the baby blues.”
This common temporary mood disorder typically lasts two to three weeks. When you have the baby blues, you feel short-term symptoms like anxiety, irritability, hopelessness, anger, and anxiety. But if you continue feeling like this after a few weeks, there’s a good chance you may be dealing with postpartum depression (PPD).
A Closer Look at Depression in Los Angeles
Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
As a new mom, postpartum depression can be debilitating and confusing. Many moms expect to spend their days bonding with their new baby, filled with joy, happiness, and fulfillment.
At least that’s what diaper commercials, Hollywood, and the media try to tell you.
Unfortunately, while becoming a new mom is an incredibly rewarding, exciting, and wonderful experience, it’s not always butterflies and rainbows. You’re sleep-deprived and exhausted, dealing with a postpartum body and the stress of a monumental life change.
Feeling overwhelmed and tired is to be expected. But you may wonder why you find it challenging to get through each day as you do your best to handle overpowering PPD symptoms like:

- inability to bond with your baby
- difficulty concentrating
- frequent crying
- overwhelming sadness
- intrusive thoughts about harm coming to your baby
- desiring to isolate yourself from everyone and everything, including your baby
- excessive guilt
- feeling disconnected
- changes in sleep and eating patterns
- suicidal thoughts
Even if you simply don’t feel like yourself, you could be experiencing PPD. The good news is that there is help for postpartum depression. While it is a mental illness, it is 100% treatable with the help of a mental health professional.
Finding Postpartum Depression Treatment in Los Angeles
Getting help for postpartum depression isn’t something to be ashamed of. Unfortunately, women just like you often feel embarrassed to admit they need help. They might think there’s something wrong with them or that they’re broken because they feel so sad, hopeless, and unable to bond with their baby.
That’s not true. You are not broken. And you’re not alone.
Postpartum depression affects approximately one in seven women. That’s about 15% of all new moms. And here’s something even more shocking: 50% of these moms begin developing PPD symptoms during pregnancy.
So, where do you go to find help for postpartum depression in Los Angeles?
There are plenty of options, but many are inconvenient and pricey, especially living in the City of Angels.
There is a better option for postpartum depression treatment in Los Angeles: virtual PPD treatment with BOLD Health.
Although our beautiful offices are located south of LA in Encinitas, CA, our team of clinicians, including our postpartum depression treatment specialists, can meet with you from the comfort of your own home using virtual psychiatry in Los Angeles.

Benefits of Partnering With BOLD Health for Virtual Psychiatry in Los Angeles
You may be asking yourself things like,
“Virtual psychiatry? Really? Is that actually effective?”
Having concerns about the effectiveness of virtual psychiatry in Los Angeles is perfectly healthy. Afterall, you want to ensure your money and time is spent in the right place, getting the best possible PPD treatment.
If you’re concerned about the effectiveness of online mental health care, you’ll be pleased to know that plenty of studies have revealed virtual mental health care to be just as effective as in-person sessions.
“Okay, but is it right for me?” you may also be wondering.
Getting help for postpartum depression is crucial, whether that’s in-person or online. But it just so happens that there are several benefits to choosing virtual psychiatry in Los Angeles over in-person.
6 Benefits of Online Psychiatry in Los Angeles
One of the most challenging aspects of getting professional postpartum depression treatment in Los Angeles is getting there. When you have PPD, you likely lack the motivation and desire to make an effort to get out the door. Not to mention, you have to either set up childcare or bring your baby with you.
And don’t forget about having to battle the notoriously-bad Los Angeles traffic.
When you partner with our highly-trained mental health professionals at BOLD Health online, you don’t have to worry about any of that. You don’t have to go anywhere, set up child care, or increase your stress levels just getting to your appointment.
You can attend virtual psychiatry in Los Angeles from your couch in your pajamas – no judgments here.
Living in Los Angeles, you already know how everything from bottled water to rent carries an LA premium price tag. But with online mental health care from BOLD Health, you’re not dealing with an LA-based practice, so you don’t have to pay the inflated LA fee.

While you shouldn’t be ashamed of needing help for postpartum depression, you may still feel more comfortable keeping your sessions between you, your online therapist, and your at-home support system. (Yes, it’s important to have one.)
But if you’re back at work, you may have to carve out a large chunk of your work time to travel to and from your PPD therapy appointments. You may find yourself explaining to your boss and coworkers why you’re gone for so long on some days.
It’s absolutely, 100% okay to share your struggles with coworkers. But if you’re more of a private person, virtual therapy is a great way to save you time, money, and the need to share your struggles with coworkers.
High-Quality, Affordable Depression Treatment in Los Angeles
Exceptional Postpartum Depression Treatment in Los Angeles is at Your Fingertips with BOLD Health
Dealing with postpartum depression symptoms is hard enough. You don’t need to try to “muscle through it” on your own. Thanks to modern technology, getting high-quality help for postpartum depression is easier.
Our team of clinicians is ready to meet you wherever you are (quite literally) using online therapy. Whether you need individual talk therapy or medication management, our therapists, nurse practitioners, and psychiatrists are ready to help you overcome your struggles so you can enjoy a more fulfilling connection with your new little family.

Contact us for more information about our virtual psychiatry in Los Angeles and start feeling better sooner.

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