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Coping Strategies for Depression: Practical Tips from a Therapist

Reclaiming Your Life: Overcoming Depression Depression can feel like a heavy fog, obscuring your path and dimming your spirit. But remember, you’re not alone in this journey. At BOLD Health,…

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Depression and Relationships: How to Navigate Difficult Times with Loved Ones

Depression, a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition, casts a long shadow over individuals and the relationships they cherish. When someone you love is battling this invisible storm, it…

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The Power of Rituals: Creating Daily Habits to Combat Depression

Depression can cast a long shadow, making it hard to see beyond the clouds. At BOLD Health, we understand the challenges you face. While professional care is essential, incorporating daily…

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The Healing Power of Nature: Discovering the Surprising Benefits for Depression

There’s just something about being out in nature. The sun on your face, the breeze in your hair, and the scents of Mother Nature can be soothing. But did you…

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8 Tips for Staying Sober After Alcohol Treatment

8 Tips for Staying Sober After Alcohol Treatment Alcohol addiction robs you of living a fulfilling life. Undergoing alcohol addiction treatment is one of the best things you can do…

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Is Alcoholism Genetic? The Inherited Factors of Addiction

You can inherit many things from your family genetically, such as wide feet, freckles, red hair, and whether you are right or left-handed, just to name a few. But you…

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Understanding Panic Attacks: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Your heart starts racing. You can’t seem to catch your breath. You feel dizzy, and your extremities feel numb. You feel utterly terrified, and the thought floods your mind that…

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The Dangers of Mixing Benzodiazepines and Alcohol

If you’re taking benzodiazepines, it’s vital to be very careful about other substances you put in your body. Likewise, if you drink on occasion and you get a prescription for…

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Understanding the Misconceptions and Myths About Depression

Depression is often misunderstood, and these misconceptions can perpetuate stigma and prevent you from getting help. So, it’s crucial to address these myths about depression and provide clear, evidence-based explanations. …

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Social Anxiety in Teens and Children: Symptoms & Treatments

You want your child to thrive in social situations. But for some, social anxiety can pose significant challenges. Social anxiety in teens and children is more than just shyness. It…

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Grief in Teens: How to Help Your Teen or Adolescent Cope

Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging experiences anyone can experience. And for grieving adolescents and teenagers, it can be particularly overwhelming. They are already doing their…

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The Link Between Depression and Chronic Pain

Living in constant pain every day of your life takes a toll not only on your body but also on your mental health. Day in and day out, you deal…

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