We offer a myriad of services including individual therapy, couples/family therapy, adolescent therapy, maternal mental health services, medication management for children through adults, MAT, and Intensive Outpatient Programs for addiction and/or mental health. Please click the link below for more detailed information.

The BOLD Method is not a 12-step based program. Our methodology is based on a psychodynamic approach to treatment and care. While we recognize the benefits of 12-step for support and community, our focus is doing the deep psychotherapy to get to the base of what drives addictive behaviors and patterns.

The BOLD Method is based in psychodynamics and focuses on getting to the root of what drives all addictive behaviors and symptoms of mental health conditions. We believe that all our patients are primarily diagnosed as human and we work to remove the stigma of diagnosis to help our patients thrive outside their diagnosis.

Our clinicians are all highly trained at treating a myriad of conditions. We work with Masters- and Doctorate-level therapists, and our medical providers are a combination of MDs, PAs, and NPs. Continuing education and supervision are a core part of what we do, as we believe each and every provider can benefit from the continued growth of such practices. Our team engages in weekly supervision, education, as well as collaboration meetings so we can all continue to learn and grow in our area of expertise.

BOLD Health works with several insurance companies. Please call 760-503-4703 for more information.

All our clients come in with unique needs and therefore require their own unique treatment plan. Costs will vary depending on the services you need. Please call us at 760-503-4703 to set up an appointment and learn more about the services best suited for your needs and their associated rates.