What Are The Dangers Of Blackout Drinking? Here’s What You Should Know

Getting “blackout drunk” is a sign that you have an addiction to alcohol.
The dangers of blackout drinking are many and can affect your safety in more ways than one. You may not even realize what’s happening while you’re under the influence- but this could be dangerous for both yourself physically as well emotionally!
Alcohol can have devastating long-term effects on your brain, including permanent damage that leads to cognitive impairment and altered behavior patterns such as trouble paying bills or showing up late for meetings! In fact, people who suffer from blackouts are more likely than others impacted by this condition in their daily lives.
BOLD Health offers an alcoholic treatment program in San Diego that helps people who struggle with addiction. The BOLD Health program offers a holistic approach to treating addiction by providing care and guidance through the healing process – we treat the whole person. Not only does this innovative program strive towards treating symptoms, but it also aims at resolving issues by providing long-term characterological change for people struggling with illnesses like addiction or depression.
What are “blackouts”?
Alcohol-related blackouts occur when individuals consume excessive amounts of alcohol, leading to a disruption in the brain’s ability to form and store memories. During such episodes, a person may experience memory lapses or gaps regarding events that transpired while they were intoxicated. This happens because alcohol interferes with the memory consolidation process, which is responsible for transferring information into long-term memory. As a result, despite being conscious at the time, the individual is unable to recall certain parts or all of their experiences during the period of heavy drinking.
Types of blackouts
The two types of blackouts are defined by their severity.
The more common type, a “fragmentary blackout” occurs when someone has spotty memories for events with gaps in between them.
“en bloc” – With this severe form of a blackout, memories don’t form and cannot be recovered. It’s as if the event never happened to you at all. Comparable to having amnesia.
When Do Blackouts Occur?
Blackouts happen when someone drinks too much and has an alcohol level higher than 0.08%. They’re typically caused by binge drinking, which is defined as four or more drinks for women who weigh less than 130 pounds each day, five pour-for men under 150lbs. In fact many people blackout after engaging in what’s known as “high intensity” sessions where you drink at levels greater than 2x those associated with typical binges.
The social acceptance and abuse of alcohol have terrible consequences for many people.
Related Post: How to Treat Alcohol Use Disorder: Therapy Options and Benefits

Risks of Blackout Drinking
The effects of blackout drinking can happen after just two shots. You may not realize that you’ve had enough to cause this kind of reaction, and it’s often associated with excessive consumption but sometimes people who don’t even drink at all will still experience the negative side-effects.
When you’re in a risky situation such as losing consciousness from drinking alcohol, it’s impossible
Risky situations like drinking alcohol and being unconscious can lead to vulnerable positions where you may be susceptible to sexual attack or other dangerous circumstances. Not to mention sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy.
The effects of alcohol are not just physical. Blackout drinking can lead to dangerous falls, hazardous car crashes, and even death!
The harsh reality of addiction is that people can do some truly shocking things while blackout drunk.
Heavy drinking is dangerous and can result in legal, physical, or psychological problems. If you find yourself constantly engaging in this type of behavior it may be time to seek professional help.
How to Help Prevent Blackouts
While these tips don’t work for everyone, they may help you avoid the worst effects of drinking too much. Drink slowly and mix it up with water or non-alcoholic drinks in between alcoholic beverages to prevent blackouts.
Before bingeing on alcohol, all day long try eating meals throughout your daily intake so that when one starts feeling full from eating food while still craving more drink he will stop before reaching his limit because going overboard leads to addiction faster than anything else does.
If you or a loved one is having frequent blackouts, is a serious health issue. If you have been struggling with alcohol addiction for some time now and it’s beginning to affect your life in ways that were not expected, then seeking help from professionals at BOLD Health could be what helps get back on track again!
Related Post: How to Know if You Need Alcohol Treatment
Seek an Intensive Outpatient Program for Alcohol Today
Long-term alcohol abuse can have serious side effects on your brain, including memory loss and coordination problems. Blackout drinking may make you think that these are just temporary issues when they’re not! That’s why it’s so important to get help for you or a loved one that’s suffering from alcohol addiction. Getting them into an alcohol treatment facility or an IOP gives the best possible chance of recovering from serious alcohol problems.
What is an IOP?
It’s like having your own personal coach who will guide you through the process of getting sober. The goal for most people in this type of program should be to reach sobriety as quickly and efficiently as possible, but it’s not always easy – which means there are professional services at hand! One major benefit is that by working closely with a therapist on all aspects related to behavior changes over time (including cravings), these professionals can make sure every step gets done right away without any confusion or frustration from either party involved.
Related Post: What Happens in an IOP?

We’re here to support you for the long haul.
Contact BOLD Health of San Diego today if you or someone close to them is struggling with alcohol addiction. We pride ourselves on the fact that we provide all types and levels of support during this journey, in an environment that will help heal one’s body while also providing safety from harm (physical & emotional).
The BOLD Health team understands that people with alcohol use disorder and mood or anxiety symptoms often struggle together. That’s why they’ve got specially trained therapists on staff who can treat you for both types of conditions at once!

For more information about our alcohol addiction program including detox IOP services near San Diego please call: (760) 503-4703

[…] The’ve had multiple “blackouts.” […]
[…] at risk of hurting yourself or others while drinking and driving. You may also find yourself “blacking out“, participating in risky, dangerous behaviors more often because you’re not thinking with a […]
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