Alcohol and Aging: How Drinking Affects the Aging Process

Alcohol and Aging: A Crucial Connection. In our culture, it’s common to unwind and celebrate with a glass of wine or a round of cocktails. But do you know the…

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The Dual Battle: Treating Alcoholism Alongside Mental Health Disorders

Imagine living a life that transcends labels and diagnoses. At BOLD Health, we see you, not just your condition. We believe everyone is, at their core, simply “human.” We’re all…

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The Power of Routine in Your Alcohol Recovery Journey

Recovering from alcohol addiction is a challenging marathon, not a sprint. It requires not only medical and psychological support from a program like BOLD Health, San Diego’s leading Intensive Outpatient…

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A Closer Look at Alcohol-Induced Anxiety and Depression: Breaking the Cycle for Lasting Well-Being

At BOLD Health, we understand that alcohol, often seen as a social lubricant or a way to unwind after a long day, can have a significant impact on your mental…

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Drinking to Relieve Stress: Professions at Risk for Alcohol Abuse

Drinking to relieve stress is a fairly common occurrence in our society. Many people come home after a long work day, kick their feet up, and grab an alcoholic beverage…

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Exploring Non-Alcoholic Socializing: Fun Without the Pressure

Have you ever felt a little awkward at a party where everyone seems to be drinking except you?  Maybe you don’t feel comfortable with alcohol, or you just want to…

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How to Cope With Stress Without Alcohol: 7 Tips

If you are currently in alcohol addiction treatment or find yourself turning to the bottle to deal with stress, it’s essential to find healthier coping strategies. While stress is an…

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How to Tell Friends You’re Going to Alcohol Rehab

Finding the right words to share your decision about going to rehab for alcohol addiction with your friends can feel intimidating. You may wonder,  How will they react? What will…

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How to Recognize the Signs of a High-Functioning Alcoholic

While the term “alcoholic” isn’t used as often in medical circles, opting for “alcohol use disorder” instead, you’ve probably heard the term “high-functioning alcoholic” before. But what exactly is a…

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Setting Healthy Boundaries in Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Everyone needs to set healthy boundaries in their lives. But if you are in alcohol addiction recovery, it’s vital to maintain your sobriety. Setting healthy boundaries in recovery ensures you…

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When Older Adults Need Alcohol Rehab for Seniors

Alcohol addiction doesn’t discriminate based on age. Even if an individual had never previously struggled with addiction, the unique challenges that come with entering the golden years can play a…

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7 Tips on How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Are you thinking about quitting drinking alcohol? Is drinking becoming center-stage in your everyday life? Are you experiencing adverse effects of drinking like trouble in relationships, money problems, performance at…

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