Tips for Having a Social Life in Your New Sober Life

So you’ve chosen to get professional help for alcohol addiction and trying to figure out how to navigate life while in recovery. Good for you! If you have dealt with…

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Overcoming Stigma: Changing Perceptions About Alcohol Addiction and Recovery

At BOLD Health, with our dedicated Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in San Diego, we understand deeply that alcohol addiction is a multifaceted challenge with global repercussions. However, the veil of…

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How to Practice Self-Care Alcohol Addiction Recovery

How to Practice Self-Care During Alcohol Addiction Recovery When you are addicted to alcohol, it becomes the priority and focus of your daily life. So when you shift your focus…

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How to Manage Stress During Recovery From Alcohol Addiction

Stress is, unfortunately, an inevitable part of life. Everyone experiences it, whether from daily small irritations or big life challenges. It’s also one of the most common reasons you may…

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Exploring New Hobbies and Interests in Alcohol Recovery

During alcohol recovery, finding new hobbies is crucial. These activities provide a sense of purpose, fill the time previously spent on drinking, and offer ways to manage stress healthily. Emotional…

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Repairing Relationships in Recovery For Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol abuse disorder not only negatively impacts your body and mind, but it also takes a toll on your relationships. Addiction can damage trust and intimacy between partners, friends, children,…

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Creating a Supportive Home Environment for Alcohol Recovery

Recovering from alcohol addiction is a challenging journey that requires a supportive and nurturing environment. The home plays a crucial role in this process, offering a safe haven that promotes…

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The Science of Addiction: How Alcohol Affects the Brain: Understanding the Impact

Alcohol, commonly consumed across cultures, goes beyond temporarily altering one’s state of mind; it induces profound and lasting alterations in the brain’s structure and functionality. In this critical section, we…

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How Alcohol Affects Your Body: Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse

Many people drink alcohol regularly at celebrations, get-togethers, happy hours, and at the end of a long day. While drinking in moderation is typically thought to be “okay,” drinking heavily…

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Exploring the Emotional Layers Behind Alcohol Dependence

Introduction to Alcohol Dependence Alcohol dependence, commonly known as alcoholism, is a complex condition. But did you ever wonder about the emotional reasons people might lean towards the bottle? It’s…

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Alcoholism and Co-existing Mental Health Disorders: A Deep Dive

Alcoholism, a complex and often misunderstood challenge, intertwines intricately with mental health disorders, creating a complicated web of physical and emotional dependencies.  For many, alcohol serves as a coping mechanism…

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The Importance of Seeking Professional Help for Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is a complex mental health issue that is extremely challenging to overcome on your own. You may be tempted to “tough it out” rather than seek professional alcohol addiction…

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