alcohol treatment San Diego
What Is the Best Treatment for Alcohol Addiction?

Many people addicted to alcohol think they have a willpower problem, so they try to overcome their addiction on their own. 

How to Know if You Need Alcohol Treatment

What Happens in an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program?

But kicking the addiction is a lot harder than just choosing not to drink. When you are addicted to alcohol, your brain actually changes to rely more on drinking to feel “normal.” Your addiction makes it virtually impossible to control how much you drink. Your body, emotions, and mental health are all negatively affected. 

Being addicted to alcohol isn’t a willpower problem. It’s a disease. The good news is that alcohol addiction treatment is an excellent way to kick the harmful addiction and reclaim your life. Living sober, free from the bondage of addiction is possible with professional help. 

We Can Help

How Do You Know You Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

Alcohol addiction may look different in everyone. It may be more noticeable in some individuals and barely perceptible in others. With that said, there are some telltale signs to look out for when determining if you or someone you love is addicted to alcohol. 

  • strong, uncontrollable cravings and urges to drink alcohol
  • inability to control how much alcohol you drink
  • hiding your drinking from others
  • developing a tolerance that requires you to drink more for the desired effect
  • putting yourself or others at risk while drinking 
  • blacking out from drinking
  • experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you abstain
  • inability to limit or quit drinking alcohol
  • resulting health problems from drinking too much

If any of these symptoms feel familiar to you, you could benefit from treatment for alcohol addiction. The next step is determining which kind of treatment is best for you.

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Available Treatments for Alcohol Addiction

Getting help for your alcohol addiction is one of the best things you can do for your physical, mental, and relationship health. And getting help sooner rather than later is wise as well. The longer you wait, the more damage you do to yourself and those around you, not to mention your job or work performance. 

Any level of alcohol treatment is a step in the right direction. However, some are more rigorous and intensive than others. When determining the best option for you, it’s crucial to consider how much time you’re willing to spend on getting better. Of course, the success of any alcohol treatment program also greatly depends on your level of commitment.

Inpatient Alcohol Treatment

When your symptoms of alcohol addiction are severe, you may require inpatient treatment. While it’s a good option for some, it is a highly rigorous program that requires you to stay away from your family, responsibilities, and life. 

Typically, inpatient alcohol treatment facilities require you to stay 30-60 days. Here, you have support all day and night with 24/7 supervision. Inpatient treatment can be effective but can also be very expensive. If you and your doctor determine this is the proper path for you, you may want to consider entering into an intensive outpatient program (IOP) afterward as a step-down program.  

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Outpatient Detox for Alcohol Addiction

Detoxing from alcohol can be extremely challenging and even dangerous when done on your own. Enrolling in an outpatient detox program gives you the support you need during the day while allowing you to go home to your life and responsibilities in the evening. 

While an outpatient detox program is an effective way to start your journey to recovery, it may not be for everyone. If you have a strong support system in place and can go home to a stable environment, then it’s a great option. 

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Alcohol Addiction

Like an outpatient detox program, intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) allow you to continue your responsibilities at home while receiving treatment for alcohol addiction. Of course, you’ll have to do a little rearranging of your schedule to fit in the required individual and group therapy sessions. 

One of the most significant benefits of enrolling in an IOP is the level of treatment you get without having to stay in a facility away from your job, school, or family commitments. You get the tools and support you need and can put them into practice when you leave the facility each day. 

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Choosing Alcohol Treatment in San Diego

First things first – the fact that you’re looking for treatment for your alcohol addiction is a big deal. Getting the help you need is one of the best things you can do for yourself and those around you. 

If you are looking for alcohol addiction therapy in San Diego, partnering with our highly-skilled team of experts at BOLD Health means you’ll get some of the best treatment around.

We offer:

  • individual therapy 
  • group therapy
  • outpatient detox
  • intensive outpatient program

Your journey to recovery begins with a comprehensive consultation. You’ll meet with one of our compassionate and empathic clinicians to discuss your challenges. Together, we’ll determine the best course of action for treating your addiction. 

Our intensive outpatient program in San Diego is one of the best options to ensure you get the level of support you need. In our 10-week IOP, you’ll meet with an assigned clinician and in groups with others battling addiction. If we decide medication may benefit you, we also have the ability to extend that service to you as well. 

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Benefits of Our Intensive Outpatient Program in San Diego

Choosing the best alcohol therapy in San Diego can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you don’t know where to start. If your primary care physician believes inpatient care may be a good place to start, and you can do that, then you should definitely begin there. If you do, it’s a great idea to consider our intensive outpatient program in San Diego as the next step. 

Our IOP isn’t just convenient, affordable, private, and customized to meet your individual needs, but your treatment at BOLD Health is unique. Here at BOLD, we not only treat your symptoms, but we treat you, first and foremost.

BOLD Health

Your treatment program is tailored to meet you where you are, taking into account your genetic, biological, and situational makeup. We strive to help you get to know and understand yourself better than ever so you can successfully beat your addiction.

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