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Dr. Kristy Lamb, Featured on MedCircle, Discusses How the 3 Levels of Anxiety Actually Work

Anxiety does not originate in your thoughts, even though that’s the common belief. Feelings of anxiety (as well as anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder) actually manifest in your body.…

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Prescription Opioid Addiction: What It Looks Like and How to Get Help

Pain pills can be beneficial after surgery to combat moderate to severe pain. When you hear the term “pain pills,” it sounds harmless, right? But what if we referred to…

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Do I Really Need an Intensive Outpatient Program after Treatment?

You’re finally out of treatment and ready to start a new life. Though the first few months were tough, you know that things can only get better from here on…

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Is an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Right For You?

Is an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Right For You? If you struggle with addiction, depression, anxiety, or other co-occurring mental disorders and don’t require residential treatment, an intensive outpatient program…

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The Key to Reducing Symptoms of PTSD

Self-Compassion: A Key to Reducing Symptoms of PTSD Living with PTSD is hard enough, but the fact that this mental illness is often accompanied by shame and discompassionate care toward…

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Types Of Anxiety Disorders And The Best Anxiety Treatment Options

It’s perfectly normal to experience anxiety before taking a test, making important decisions, or facing a difficult challenge. But if you suffer from one of the several types of anxiety…

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Your Best Options for Treating Depression During Pregnancy

A woman’s peak childbearing years are between the ages of 18 and 35 years old. Unfortunately, this is also when depression and anxiety disorders typically begin. Whether you are already…

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What is Depression and What Are the Best Treatments?

Everyone feels down from time to time. But depression is far different than just feeling sad. Depression, also called “major depressive disorder,” is a serious mental health condition that affects…

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4 Easy Grounding Techniques for Anxiety

Panic and anxiety disorders tend to rear their ugly head at the least opportune time. If you catch yourself beginning to spiral, grounding techniques can help you return to the…

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The Rise In Anxiety Among Adolescents

By Scott Phillips, AMFT According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 32% of adolescents will develop an anxiety disorder between the ages of 13-18 years old. In the…

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Understanding Anxiety: What It Is And What You Need To Know About It

By Veronica Sanchez, LMFT Chances are you know someone with an anxiety disorder. After all, 40 million U.S. adults suffer from anxiety. If you took a poll of your friends…

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Reproductive Psychiatry

By Dr. Katie Hirst Depression and anxiety disorders typically have their onset between the ages of 18-35yo, which are the same as women’s peak childbearing years, so it is no…

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