Circle of people in group therapy
Circle of people in group therapy

By Scott Phillips, AMFT

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 32% of adolescents will develop an anxiety disorder between the ages of 13-18 years old. In the best of times, teenagers are faced with high expectations to succeed, alterations to hormones and brain chemistry, identity issues, and social media. On top of these already anxiety producing areas, this last year adolescents had the added pressure of managing a pandemic which saw school closures and mandatory lock downs, further complicating an already stressful period of development.

Even more than adults, adolescents rely on healthy peer relationships for their mental wellbeing. With school closures, restrictions on gatherings, and general lack of control over the last year, adolescents are particularly vulnerable to experiencing anxiety as a result. If you have noticed that your teen is irritable, has outbursts, is isolating, is having difficulty concentrating, or is generally not their usual self, these can be signs of anxiety. As the world begins to transition back to the way things were it is important to remember that this is another monumental change that can trigger anxiety. 

Here at Bold Health we are experts in helping people understand and regulate their anxiety so they can get the most out of life and reduce their suffering. In an effort to help adolescents in our community, we will be offering a 2 hour course for adolescents on Saturdays, starting August 7, 2021, to help learn more about anxiety, including the function of anxiety, the signs of anxiety, and learning skills to regulate anxiety. If you are interested in signing your teen up for this course or would like more information please reach out to us here at BOLD Health at 760-503-4703.

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  1. […] The Rise In Anxiety Among Adolescents: 32% of adolescents will develop an anxiety disorder between the ages of 13-18 years old. […]