Facts About Prescription Drug Abuse You Need to Know
It’s no secret that the abuse of prescription drugs has been on the rise since the 1990s. The devastating consequences of the opioid and substance abuse epidemic affect families and…
The 4 Stages of Addiction: What to Look For
The 4 Stages of Addiction: What to Look For The journey to addiction is a complex one. Not everyone’s addiction process is going to look the same. How fast you…
Chemical Dependency in a Loved One: What You Need to Know
What You Need to Know About Chemical Dependency in a Loved One There are numerous reasons why a loved one may develop a chemical dependency on alcohol, prescription, or recreational…
What You Need to Know About Valium Withdrawal
Valium is a prescription drug that effectively treats insomnia, anxiety, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures. It works amazingly well to treat these things, but it’s also highly addictive. Also…
Signs of Codeine Addiction and How to Get Help
So you got a prescription to treat pain. It contains codeine. It’s an opiate, and opiates can be highly addictive. But you figure, “I’ll just take it as the doctor…
Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcoholism: Knowing the Difference
Alcohol use is everywhere. Happy hour, movies, television shows, celebrations, picnics, you name it; alcohol is probably nearby, if not the main event. It’s nearly impossible to escape. In fact,…
Why You Need a Marijuana Addiction Treatment Program
Marijuana is the United States’ most widely-used federally illegal drug. There are plenty of people who can use it once in a while and not get addicted. But, contrary to…
Fentanyl Dangers: Now the Deadliest Drug in the U.S.
The 1990s brought with it fun things like fanny packs, the grunge style, scrunchies, crimped hair, and some pretty memorable music. But as opioid prescriptions became more common, it also…
3 Facts About Benzo Addiction and Abuse
Nobody starts taking benzodiazepines, also called benzos, to become addicted. You take them because they were prescribed to treat a specific health concern. Benzodiazepines are most often prescribed to treat: …
“Do I Have a Drinking Problem?” Fact Vs. Fiction
When you think about someone with a drinking problem, you probably get a particular mental picture in your head. Perhaps you imagine a haggard-looking man with a two-day-old beard, disheveled…
How to Make Your Mental Health a Priority in the New Year
According to the National Institute of Mental Illness (NIMH), in 2019, 1 in 5 U.S. adults were living with a mental illness. That’s a staggering 51.5 million people! But out…
Dangers of Combining Adderall and Xanax
There are many risks associated with combining Adderall and Xanax, and a combination of these drugs is never a good idea. In addition to increasing the risk of addiction, it…