When you battle depression, one of the most significant challenges you face is often low self-esteem. It makes sense if you think about it. Being unable to find the motivation to do much of anything, find joy in things you once found fulfilling, and the internal struggle you face with not wanting to feel the way you do can wreak havoc on your self-esteem.
But there are some practical things you can do to boost your self-esteem while dealing with depression. In honor of “International Boost Self-Esteem Month” in February, we will give you some tips and help you figure out how to manage low self-esteem and depression better.
Depression Treatment in San Diego
The Importance of Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and is entirely subjective. In today’s day and age, self-esteem can take a heavy beating when you compare yourself to others on social media and in Hollywood. You might think, “They have their stuff together. Why can’t I do that, too?” and then feel bad about yourself. Even without considering social media, you can have similar thoughts and feelings. It’s more common than you might think.
When you add depression into the mix, things get even more complicated. You may struggle with feeling down about your physical appearance, state of mental health, the issues depression creates in your relationships, and more. That’s why it is crucial to do what you can to bolster your self-esteem when battling mental health concerns like depression.

Focusing on raising your low self-esteem is a key component in fighting mood disorders like depression. When you raise your self-esteem, you are better equipped to learn and develop healthy coping skills, shift negative thinking, and handle adversity. Rather than feeling worthless and like a failure, like you might feel when you have low self-esteem and depression, you can look at negative situations and “failings” as an opportunity for growth.
Raising your low self-esteem can help you focus less on your negative feelings and enable you to feel more positive and respectful toward yourself. These are vital components of fighting depression and can go a long way in your recovery.
Signs You Have Low Self-Esteem
You may be thinking, “I know if I have low self-esteem. “ Yes, you might. But you might also be unaware of some of the symptoms of low self-esteem that show up in your daily life. Many of the following signs of low self-esteem mirror depression symptoms. So maybe you don’t know you have depression! The two most often go hand-in-hand, although just because you have low self-esteem doesn’t necessarily mean you have diagnosable depression.
Here are some of the signs of low self-esteem:
- You’re hostile. Low self-esteem makes you more prone to lashing out at others as a defense mechanism. Because you already feel bad about yourself, you may feel criticized when others suggest something that may be construed as unfavorable, even when they don’t mean it that way.
- You’re sensitive to criticism. As mentioned above, you don’t handle criticism well when you have low self-esteem. When you or someone else points something out in you that may be critical, you likely feel like it only magnifies your flows and makes you feel even less self-love.
- You withdraw yourself from society. Low self-esteem and depression often make you want to isolate yourself from the world. You just don’t want to deal with others’ potential criticisms and judgments and may feel like you’re not even worthy enough to hang out with others.
- You have physical symptoms of low self-esteem. While self-esteem is a mental issue, it can also lead to physical distress. You may develop an eating disorder and unhealthy habits in an attempt to deal with your feelings of worthlessness and self-hate.
- You play the “blame game.” When something goes wrong, you tend to blame yourself or place all the blame on others or maybe somewhere in between, without seeing the bigger picture and viewing the situation as a growth experience.

How to Bolster Your Low Self-Esteem When Battling Depression
We’re not going to tell you that boosting your self-esteem is simple. But in honor of International Boost Self-Esteem Month, we want to let you know it’s entirely worth it. Raising your self-esteem can only help you, afterall, right?
Here are some helpful tips on raising your low self-esteem when dealing with depression:
Be aware of your negative self-talk – and change it.
One of the most harmful things you can do to yourself, and when you battle depression, there’s a good chance you do this quite a lot, is to talk down to yourself. Think about how you would describe yourself. Do you come up with many positive things or focus on things you consider “negative?”
Do you call yourself stupid, ugly, mean, or worthless? Do you tell yourself you can’t do anything right? It’s vital to be self-aware. Shift your focus and notice the things you tell yourself. And when you do say hurtful things to yourself, challenge yourself to change them.
One great way to look at how you talk to yourself is to think about how you would talk to someone you care deeply about. Would you say what you say about or to yourself about or to them? If not, it’s time to change your negative self-talk habits.

Recognize your strengths.
This can be tough when you have low self-esteem. But it’s essential to recognize your strengths and celebrate them. You don’t have to shout them from the rooftop. Even if you write one of your strengths down each day, no matter how “small,” it can do wonders for your self-love.
If you have trouble thinking of anything, don’t hesitate to ask a trusted friend or family member about what they love about you. You may be surprised how much they can come up with!
Practice self-care.
You might not feel like you “deserve” self-care, but that’s your low self-esteem and depression talking. Everyone deserves self-care. The options to practice self-care are endless. It just depends on what brings you joy. Consider taking a bath, reading a book, taking yourself out for lunch, going for a run, or buying that shirt you’ve had your eye on. Self-care is not selfish. It’s necessary for your mental health.
Surround yourself with positive people.
The power of positivity is real. We’re not talking about toxic positivity. We’re talking about positivity that lifts you up and celebrates your strengths. You don’t have to have dozens of friends and loved ones to count on when you need a little positivity boost. If you have even one person who can successfully help you feel more positive about yourself and life, even if they are just a listening ear, it can help you tremendously.
Partner with a trusted mental health professional.
If you suffer from low self-esteem and depression, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to find a mental health professional who can guide you to better self-love. A therapist trained in helping patients successfully overcome depression can also help you boost your self-confidence.
Getting help is not a sign of weakness, and it in no way means you’re a failure. On the contrary, it’s a sign of strength to reach out and get the help you need and deserve.

Find a Trusted, Compassionate Mental Health Ally at BOLD Health in San Diego
Finding the right depression therapy in San Diego to help you with low self-esteem and depression can be daunting. But if you are looking for a mental health practice that puts its patients and their needs first and takes time to get to know and understand what makes you tick truly, BOLD Health is your answer.
This International Boost Self-Esteem month, reach out to our team of qualified, experienced clinicians who are ready and able to help you through your low self-esteem and depression struggles. We’ll tailor your treatment to meet your needs and support you every step of the way.
At BOLD Health, our options for depression treatment in San Diego include:
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- medication management
- intensive outpatient program (IOP in San Diego)
- ketamine treatment
You deserve to feel good about yourself. You also deserve to live a life without the weight of depression. Contact us to learn more about our options for depression therapy in San Diego and start loving yourself again!