What Is a Trauma Response? Recognizing Trauma In Others

Sometimes, recognizing the signs of trauma is relatively straightforward. But many times, trauma in others can be inconspicuous. Your friend or loved one who seems “fine” may actually be struggling…

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The Signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children

The world often views children as resilient and adaptable, which they most definitely can be. But it’s important not to overlook the fact that children, like adults, can experience deep…

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PTSD After Sexual Assault: Symptoms and Treatments

Sexual assault is a sensitive and challenging subject to talk about, but it’s crucial we do. Not only is it essential to be aware of the alarming statistics of sexual…

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Why You Should Seek Professional Help for PTSD

Why You Should Seek Professional Help for PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) can be debilitating to your everyday life. Living with a mental health disorder negatively impacts your mind…

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The Key to Reducing Symptoms of PTSD

Self-Compassion: A Key to Reducing Symptoms of PTSD Living with PTSD is hard enough, but the fact that this mental illness is often accompanied by shame and discompassionate care toward…

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Dr. Rebecca Romero joins BOLD Health!

Bold Health is pleased to announce Dr. Romero as the newest member of our practice! Rebecca Romero, M.D. is a Board Certified Adult Psychiatrist and  Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow…

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