Biofeedback is a powerful technique to uncover your ability to control otherwise unconscious bodily functions. For example, if you can control your breathing, you can then decrease your heart rate, which in turn provides a powerful mechanism to regulate anxiety from its biological origins in the autonomic nervous system.

Thanks to an extraordinary partnership with the preeminent biofeedback company in the world, Unyte, BOLD Health has created a true sanctuary for the mind to focus on controlling impulses and anxiety using an iOM heartrate sensor and a tablet to perform exercises, guided meditation, and focused breathwork to cultivate an awareness of our inner processes and a clear mechanism to improved self-control. Biofeedback creates a self-mediated technique used concurrently to successfully support patients’ deeper work in their individual and group therapy. In-office use of biofeedback helps patients bridge from the outside world into a safe space for looking inward during their sessions and provides a regulating bookend to reentry into the outside world after engaging in treatment.

A patient with headphones, an iOM heartrate sensor and a tablet using technology from biofeedback company unyte

Gain more control over your anxiety.

When you can train your brain to better identify and regulate what’s going on in your body, you can gain the upper hand on how you physically respond to stress or other triggers.

Contact us at 760-503-4703 or complete our contact form to find out more about biofeedback.

unyte - biofeedback, meditation, mindfulness and relaxation ...

Benefits of Biofeedback

Biofeedback is an evidence-based solution that can help you live a better life. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation in time between heartbeats and is considered a strong indicator of your meditative state. Research shows that a higher HRV means a relaxed nervous system state — which allows more positive emotions and leads to improved health.

Research demonstrates that biofeedback, when paired with a healthy lifestyle can help in many ways. These benefits include:

  • Improved ability to handle adversity or stressful situations
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Reduced depression
  • Improved responses to anger-inducing stimuli
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Reduced pain
  • Improved gastrointestinal disorder symptoms
  • Improved mood and psychological well-being
  • Fine-tuning of skills for optimal sports performance

For more detailed information and research studies, please visit the Unyte website.