Telemedicine Services During COVID-19
The emergence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is transforming how BOLD delivers services to our patients. While our preferred method is face-to-face interaction with our expert providers, we understand that during this outbreak, some patients may be hesitant to visit our office. This reluctance could be due to experiencing symptoms themselves or wanting to avoid potential exposure to others. Recognizing these concerns, we are adapting our services to accommodate and provide additional support to our patients during this challenging time. We are aware that the ongoing situation, coupled with constant media coverage, can significantly heighten anxiety. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring the continued well-being of our patients by offering flexible service options that align with their needs and comfort levels during the pandemic.
Although no one in the BOLD community has been identified as being exposed to COVID-19, we are pleased to announce that BOLD will offer patients the choice of in-person or telemedicine visits starting on March 18, 2020, while the CDC classifies the current outbreak as a “public health emergency.” We put a premium on our patient’s privacy and security, and we have arranged video conferencing that complies with all HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requirements and has an easy and safe setup process.
As a courtesy to the BOLD community, if patients are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, we ask those patients to please not come into the BOLD office. If patients are having symptoms and have a scheduled appointment for that week, we ask those patients to please call us as soon as possible to speak about options.

At BOLD, we understand how important it is to maintain mental health everyday and especially during an emergency or crisis. Our employees are prepared to make sure that our patient’s mental health needs are taken care of during this outbreak no matter how long it lasts. As the situation continues to evolve, we will keep our patients updated.
The BOLD Team is dedicated to continue to provide quality services to our patients during this time. If you are a BOLD patient, please speak with your therapist and/or psychiatric provider about your treatment options and scheduling or call 760-503-4703 for more information. We will get through this together.
Telemedicine Basics
The onset of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has shaken the world. During this time it is easy to feel increased anxiety and other mental health concerns. At BOLD Health, we are committed to maintaining your mental wellness. Today we are announcing our BOLD Telemedicine program.
What is telemedicine?
A simple, effective, HIPAA compliant video solution for your mental health needs - think FaceTime, Skype, video conferencing set up on an encrypted platform to ensure your privacy and security
No need to go out or miss appointments - handle appointments from the comfort of your home
Starting immediately BOLD will offer our patients telemedicine appointments through an app on your phone or computer called Zoom.
The video below will explain how to get started with our HIPAA compliant partner Zoom.
00:02 In this video we'll go over how to join
00:04 a Zoom meeting. When receiving a Zoom
00:06 invitation, you'll see the joint link in
00:08 the meeting invite. Click the link and
00:11 you'll be prompted to download and run
00:13 Zoom. A launcher dot zip file will
00:16 download. Simply click on the file and
00:18 you can install the launcher. If the host
00:20 hasn't started the meeting you'll see a
00:22 message stating "Please wait for the host
00:25 to start this meeting." Once the host
00:27 starts the meeting, the Zoom meeting
00:29 window will appear where you can join
00:31 your audio and connect your video.
00:34 To join your audio, just select join audio
00:36 conference by computer.
00:38 This should automatically appear once
00:40 you join the Zoom meeting. To connect your
00:42 video, simply select the video camera icon
00:44 in the bottom left hand corner of the
00:46 Zoom meeting window.
We have created a list of ideas, websites, and anything else we could think of to help get you through the coronavirus.
Updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
National: Centers for Disease Control- CDC - has symptoms, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you think you are sick: CDC CORONAVIRUS
State: California Department of Public Health - the latest on coronavirus in CA: CDPH
County: San Diego County: San Diego
The best place to learn about anxiety and ways to cope with anxiety is here at BOLD Health - it’s what we specialize in. Here are some other resources that we find helpful. Our physicians will be posting mindfulness classes this week.
Dr LAMB! Her YouTube channel will help with anxiety. Dr. Lamb
- The Calm app. - a great app with guided meditations and breathing exercises - download at iTunes or wherever you get your apps (subscription required)
- Headspace - another great app with guided mediations and breathing exercises download at iTunes or wherever you get your apps (subscription required)
Exercise is one of the best ways to get through stressful times. Right now the mobile app Instagram is full of free workouts with the hashtag: #homeworkout Type that in to the search and you will find a ton of different options. These are some workouts we like. Note: only do workouts that work for you and are at your current level of fitness. If you haven’t worked out in awhile, consult a physician (who isn’t on the frontlines of coronavirus through appropriate communication (e.g. email).
Basic - no equipment workouts to do from home:
- Peloton: Not just biking. Full workouts available on their fitness app
- Yoga
- Boxing
- Nat Bower Fitness - Some great free YouTube boxing workouts, even if you don't have a bag.
Weights and Crossfit Workouts
- Crossfit
- Ben Bergeron AND Comptrain
- Marcus Filly
- Learn Something New:
- Masterclass - awesome and covers anything you can think of - the best minds from writing, to cooking, to acting (subscription based)