Are you pregnant or a new parent,
and feeling overwhelmed?
Call or text 1-833-TLC-MAMA (852-6262) for free confidential support.
Postpartum Symptoms We Effectively Treat:
feelings of helplessness and/ or hopelessness
difficulty in making decisions
changes in sleeping and/ or eating patterns
isolation and withdrawal from the community and loved ones
frequent feelings of “I can’t do this”
not feeling like yourself
intrusive thoughts, images, fears of harm coming to your baby that you can not stop and that you know are wrong
intrusive thoughts, images, fears of harm coming to your baby that you can not stop and that you know are wrong
irritability, impatience, rage
difficulty concentrating
difficulty attaching and bonding to your baby
In the most serious cases, seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not really there and/ or beliefs that are not based in reality
* You may experience all of these symptoms or only a few
Postpartum Depression

Having a baby is an exciting and often emotional time, but just after delivery you may experience the "baby blues." This mild form of depression includes symptoms such as feeling weepy or fatigued.
If these feelings last longer than two weeks then it could be post-partum Depression which affects up to 20% of women who have had their first child!
A small number of women experience postpartum psychosis, which is characterized by severe mood swings and hallucinations.
Known as "Baby Blues"
Having a baby is an exciting and often emotional time, but just after delivery you may experience the “baby blues.” This mild form of depression can make moms feel weepy or fatigued; anxious about their life as well as overwhelmed with things like housework they never thought would be on top during pregnancy list.
The symptoms don't always last two weeks though - 20% percent of postpartum women develop Post Natal Depression (PND) that needs attention since it could lead to more severe disorders such as anxiety disorder if left untreated! So tell your doctor right away if these feelings come up because he/she will know how best to help.
Providing Postpartum Depression Treatment in San Diego
The symptoms of anxiety, depression or post-partum blues are nothing to be ashamed about. If you're feeling down and need someone who will listen without judgement then call BOLD Health!
BOLD Health can help slow your racing thoughts; teach coping skills that allow for relaxation techniques; provide therapy if necessary so we work together towards finding relief from these uncomfortable emotions. Let BOLD Health take care of what matters most - taking time off work while caring for yourself during this exciting but challenging journey into motherhood.